Saturday, February 8, 2014

Cycle day 15 check up!!

Ok so yesterday I had another ultrasound to check up on the growth of the follicles. She started on my right ovary where I previously had about 4 good sized follicles. Well they were all small this time!!! I was getting pretty bummed and Wesley said he could see that I was starting to get upset. Then she goes to the left ovary and there was one massive follicle!! Yeyyy!!! So Wesley has to give me my hcg injection tonight and we go in for our IUI on Monday morning!!! We are beyond ready and super excited! Prayers that this first round works would be greatly appreciated!!!!! :)


  1. Always praying that you get your hearts desire! I love you! <3

  2. Awwww thank you!! Love you too!! :)
