Sunday, March 9, 2014

Cycle Day 12 Update

Yesterday was cycle day 12! That means I had an ultrasound and blood work to check my follicle sizes and LH levels. I was a little nervous because last cycle my follicles on cycle day 12 were too small for the trigger shot and IUI and I had to come back on cycle day 15. Well this cycle with the new Femara ovulation medication, I had one follicle that was 23×15 and two that were slightly smaller. So basically what that means is that I had one follicle that was a perfect size and two that will be ready in a couple days!!! Yeyyy!!! So tonight I will do my trigger HCG injection and my IUI will be Tuesday morning! 3 follicles is very encouraging for us..last cycle we only had 1 :) Thank you all for the prayers and words of encouragement! I will update you on Tuesday and let you know how it went!!!!

On a side note..I had a request for information on alternative/natural birth control methods since birth control has been frequently linked to fertility complications. I will probably do that tomorrow. But if anyone else has a question or topic they would like me to cover, just leave It in the comments below and I will see about doing a post on it :)

1 comment:

  1. Good sign! Your family loves you and has fingers crossed!!
