Hi there!
My name is Casey Pavlicek and this blog is dedicated to my life, my thoughts, and my struggle with infertility.
My husband and I were married on March, 19 2011 and on July, 12 2011 he left to join the United States Air Force! I could not be more proud of this man and all he does for our life together
We are one of those gross couples that do everything together and honestly, we wouldn’t have it any other way! We are best friends first and I think that’s what makes our marriage so strong.
On our first anniversary we decided to start trying to conceive our first baby. Like most couples, we felt this would probably be pretty easy and we would be pregnant right away. Well, almost a year went by and nothing… I have never had regular cycles but it never dawned on me that this would be a factor in our trying to conceive. So in December 2012 we started the crazy process of trying to figure out what was wrong and what we needed to do to fix the problem. Like most doctors, ours wanted to test my DH(dear husband) first. The process is less invasive and frankly, without some healthy swimmers, it wouldn’t matter what the problem with me was. Thankfully everything turned out pretty great! Except for slightly low motility, his little soldiers were healthy as can be!
The next step was for me to get tested. And as the doctor suspected, I don’t ovulate AT ALL. Great… So with my regular OB/GYN, I started my first cycle with clomid 50mg. I ovulated, however, we didn’t conceive. The next cycle of 50 mg didn’t work at all. Such a blow to my hopes… So on to 100 mg of clomid. I ovulated once again but didn’t conceive.
By this time, I FINALLY got in to see the only Reproductive Endocrinologist within a 1.5 hour radius!! Dr Vandermolen! I highly recommend this man to anyone in the same situation. He listens, he explains things so you can understand them, and his nurses are ALWAYS there to help you or answer any questions you have. The wait list for a new patient is roughly 6 months…so being able to go to him is truly a blessing.
Ok, so back to treatments… He asked me to do one more round of 100 mg Clomid to see where I was. Well, I didn’t ovulate
So he had me come in to do an HSG test. Which is basically putting a dye into your Fallopian tubes to make sure that there is no blockage. Thankfully I didn’t have any blockage! So on to 150 mg of Clomid. First round I ovulated but didn’t conceive. Next round I ovulated late but didn’t conceive. And the last round of 150 mg Clomid, I ovulated and he had me come in to do a post-coital test to make sure there wasn’t any problems with my cervical fluid inhibiting the sperm from making its way to my eggs. Well, during the ultrasound it showed that I ovulated from both ovaries(Whoa!)..but the culture showed that the clomid was drying out my cervical fluid and it was killing his sperm before it could make its way to my eggs… While this sucked…at least I had an answer!
Then we moved onto IUI.
The first round we did 150mg Clomid, ultrasound to check for follicles on day 12, and a trigger just before the IUI. Unfortunately we didn't get pregnant that round.
Then he wanted to change my medication to Femara. We had our follicle check on day 12 and a trigger shot the next day. And OH MY LORD! We got PREGNANT! We were so excited, happy, thrilled, relieved...and a slew of other synonyms for happy haha
However, when we went in to see the heartbeat, there wasn't one. We were so upset and confused!
But our doctor said that it is actually really common with first pregnancies.
So we went in for a D&C when I was exactly 8 weeks pregnant.
We then had a long wait until we could get back into IUI. It took a very long time for my levels to get back to zero.
But eventually they did!
Then we had our 3rd IUI (same dosage of Femara), trigger and then IUI. But we didn't conceive...
So on to round #4!
This time we used the same dosage of Femara but my doctor wanted to add injections of Menopur so that we could hopefully get more than one healthy egg.
And we did! We got 2!
So now we are in our 2ww and ready to find out if a baby/babies are on their way!
The first round we did 150mg Clomid, ultrasound to check for follicles on day 12, and a trigger just before the IUI. Unfortunately we didn't get pregnant that round.
Then he wanted to change my medication to Femara. We had our follicle check on day 12 and a trigger shot the next day. And OH MY LORD! We got PREGNANT! We were so excited, happy, thrilled, relieved...and a slew of other synonyms for happy haha
However, when we went in to see the heartbeat, there wasn't one. We were so upset and confused!
But our doctor said that it is actually really common with first pregnancies.
So we went in for a D&C when I was exactly 8 weeks pregnant.
We then had a long wait until we could get back into IUI. It took a very long time for my levels to get back to zero.
But eventually they did!
Then we had our 3rd IUI (same dosage of Femara), trigger and then IUI. But we didn't conceive...
So on to round #4!
This time we used the same dosage of Femara but my doctor wanted to add injections of Menopur so that we could hopefully get more than one healthy egg.
And we did! We got 2!
So now we are in our 2ww and ready to find out if a baby/babies are on their way!
Our stories are so similar! We need to connect and be TTC Rainbow baby buddies! Best of luck to the both of you and lots of baby dust! Follow us so we can follow you! Richardsfamilyblogspot.blogspot.com
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