Monday, February 2, 2015

Getting started with IVF!

Ok guys! First I want to talk about our IVF consultation :) We both feel really good about it and felt like it went really well! I was definitely nervous about our "odds" since we have now had two miscarriages but our doctor feels like that wont be an issue moving forward.
We have unexplained infertility since all of our blood work came back normal, so moving forward we just have to account for extra "what ifs". But since I respond so well to the medications, our doctor just feels as if IVF will be a great way for us to "weed through" the bad eggs that I may have and that could have potentially caused our previous miscarriages. But before I go into specifics...our doctors feels like our chances are just as good as anyone else's going through IVF...65-70% :)

Ok now onto the fun...but confusing part!
I got a call from the IVF coordinator this morning with my tentative IVF schedule and retrieval date!!! It is so exciting and is moving very quickly, which is great for me because I hate waiting for anything!!!!

So she told me that I am to continue taking my prenatals, B6, B12, and Folic Acid but she also wants me to start a low dose aspirin, antibiotics to clean my system of any infection, and......birth control!!! YUP!!!! Seems counterproductive right?!?! Well..there is a reason for it. The birth control will allow my follicles to suppress their growth and will allow them all to get small and roughly the same size. So when I do start my injections, all the follicles will be the same size and will grow at the same rate. We are shooting for 15-20 follicles and he would like them to be the same size. Make sense? Ok...moving forward!
I will continue the birth control until the 22nd but in the mean time there is plenty to do!
I go in next Wednesday the 11th for my "mock transfer". This will actually be a shorter appointment for me than other ladies going through IVF because usually the appointment includes a hydro ultrasound but since we just had that done, all he wants to do is take some measurements. We will also be talking to the business coordinator to go over financing options, costs, etc. There is also labs that day but I dont remember exactly what those are for.

Then on the 18th we will come in for a sono and they will tell us if we are able to start our Lupron. Lupron is an injection used to suppress hormones made by the body that trigger ovulation. Im not entirely sure how long I will take this but I know its nightly.

Then on the 26th I will come in for more labs and a sono and they will tell me my next steps.

Then on the 28th I should start my Menopur and Follistim injections.

Then shortly after that I will be coming in every 2-3 days to check on my follicle growth and my  tentative retrieval date is March 11th!!! YAY!!! Prayers for lots and lots of follicles with eggs!!!

The doctor will then fertilize each egg with Wesley's sperm and call me daily to tell me how they are doing and how many we have left each day.
On day 3, if we have embryos that are just doing great, then we will do a transfer the next day or so. If not then he will allow the remaining embryos to keep growing for 2 more days. This will give us a better understanding of which embryos are "strongest". He will then talk to us and we will choose which embryos we would like to transfer. He recommends 2 but if there aren't 2 outstanding embryos then he could possibly transfer 3.
So within a week after March 11th we will have put in at least 2 embryos in my uterus!!! YAYYY!!!
We are so excited and cant wait to really get started!!

I will update again when I have a little more information and I will probably do a video once I get my medications ;)

Thank you for all the positive thoughts and prayers!
Hopefully this is just the thing we needed to get our take-home babies!!!!

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