Monday, September 22, 2014

I WANT MY LEFT FOOT TO ITCH!!!: The imaginary(and not-so-imaginary) signs of pregnancy and periods.

As I close in on my 2WW, I cant help but put together a list of pregnancy(or period) symptoms that may or may not be real...

All women who have ever tried to conceive know exactly what I am talking about!!!

You have a slight stomach ache so it "HAS to be morning sickness!".
Or you smell something funky and "it has to mean you're pregnant!".

Or you Google every single thing you experience throughout the day in hopes that some other woman half way around the world was pregnant when she had the same sign as you!!!

I have stopped my Google addiction but I still analyze like crazy!
I actually convinced myself that my coffee tasted funny this morning!
There seems to be no end to the analyzing!!!!

Well, I was talking to a woman yesterday who is also dealing with infertility and we were discussing symptoms. Whenever it gets close to testing day, we always ask the other "How do you feel?". We are hoping to get some hint as to whether the other could be pregnant by new symptoms or even symptoms that are out of the ordinary. 
(So now we are analyzing OTHER women's symptoms too?? lol)
Then we talked about how nice it would be if there was some huge sign to tell us that we are pregnant!! I said "I wish my left foot would itch and that would tell me that I am pregnant"! haha

But honestly, many pregnancy symptoms are exactly like period symptoms. Breast tenderness, cramping, food aversion or cravings...these can all be linked to both pregnancy and periods. 

So when we are ttc-ing, we often try to find symptoms that are slightly different in hopes that it is a sign. 

When I was pregnant with the baby that we miscarried, the only "symptom" that was different for me was the fact that I didn't want chocolate. Usually before my period I want chocolate! Lots of chocolate! But when I was pregnant, I didn't want it. 
Unfortunately, I haven't had much of a taste for it I cant use that as my "gauge" this time around. 

So what I want to know from you guys is:
What is the craziest/silliest thing that you have ever considered a pregnancy sign when you WEREN'T pregnant?
And what is the craziest/silliest thing that was actually a pregnancy sign for you? 

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