Thursday, April 3, 2014

5 wk 2 day ultrasound!

This morning we had our first ultrasound!!! We were so anxious for this visit because we would actually see the baby's sac and we would FINALLY know how many little Pavs were coming into this world.
But before I reveal it...let me give you a little background information. Everyone..and I mean EVERY ONE thought I was having twins. I can also be included into that group. But last night I had a dream that I was having QUADS!!! Oh dear Lord!!! While we would be forever grateful for quads...I have to admit that it made me nervous. But either way..we were excited to finally know!!!
Well...God didn't think the world was ready for more than one baby Pav because we are having ONE baby!!! :) We are thrilled and blessed and excited and any other positive adjectives you want to insert here! We are so excited!!!!!!
And in 2 weeks we will be able to hear that baby's heartbeat :)
So leave in the comments...what do you think it is? Boy or girl?? We would be ecstatic with either...but we both have our guesses...I think it's a boy and Wesley thinks it's a girl!
Also..I will be doing weekly updates on Tuesdays as to what the previous week was like. What would you like to know about each week?


  1. I'm thinking it's a boy! But either way that baby will be loved like no other!! :) And every week I'd just like to see general stuff. How you're feeling, symptoms, thoughts you're having, and how you're preparing for baby (not only supplies but also what you're eating, etc) and plans you have for the baby (like cloth diapering or all natural foods, etc). Plus, I want to hear all about your weird dreams. lol I said general things but I just want to know it all :P

    1. Ok!!! Those are all good things to talk about!!

  2. I think it's a boy and so does Lay! I've had 2 dreams it was a boy but we will love and spoil it no matter what. We just want a healthy baby Pavlicek! You and Wes are going to be wonderful parents! This baby is not going to want for anything and know love beyond this universe!

  3. Holly Perkins-SanchezApril 16, 2014 at 1:59 AM

    I dont care what it is!! i am so excited for this baby!:D I thnk its gonna be a girl :P
