Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Worst Kind of Silence

There is no easy way to say I'm just going to come out and say it. 
We lost the baby.
We are broken hearted, devastated, and over all, at a loss for words.
We worked so hard to get where we are and for it to just be hurts so deep.

We went in for an ultrasound on Thursday to check on the baby and to hear the heartbeat. It was a pretty routine visit that I had been through many times but this time we were supposed to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. Dr. Vandermolen started the ultrasound and you could see the baby right away...precious, little, blueberry sized light of our world! It warmed our hearts just to see it! But Dr. Vandermolen didn't say a word. He just kept moving the wand around trying to get different angles. Then he said it...the words that will haunt us for the rest of our lives. "I'm sorry, but this pregnancy just isn't viable. I'm not seeing a fetal pole or heart activity." I instantly started to cry. I couldn't hear a word he said after. I just went numb. How can we have went through all of this and the pregnancy not be viable?? I wasn't spotting or cramping...I had no signs of a miscarriage. Why did this happen to us???? 
I finally sat up and said the only  thing I could get out of my mouth. "Why and what now?" 
He told us that it wasn't our fault. We did everything exactly right. My cervix was in great shape, the placenta formed exactly like it should, but more than likely the baby was missing some chromosomes and had stopped forming. Now we will do another ultrasound on Monday to confirm and then you have the choice to do a D&C or take a pill at home.
Ugh! Why us?? Why this pregnancy?!
The days leading up to Monday were the worst days I had ever had. All I could do was cry and blame myself. Even though the doctor said it wasn't our fault...I felt as if I could have done something differently. A lot of what-ifs went through my mind. But overall...we just felt lost.
So we went back on Monday and did another ultrasound. This time we saw the fetal pole...but there was still no heart activity and the baby hadn't grown at all. It should have been 1/2 an inch and it hadn't grown at all since Thursday. It was confirmed. Our miracle baby was no longer with us. This time I was loaded with questions. Why did this happen? He said that miscarriages are actually very common. Actually, 25% of fertility challenged couples experience miscarriage. But our chances of having another miscarriage is extremely low. Less than 5% since the miscarriage wasn't due to low progesterone or a weak cervix or a malformed placenta.
Why haven't I had any signs of miscarriage? He told us that the fetus doesn't communicate with the body, the placenta does. And since the placenta was perfect, my body thought that everything was right with the pregnancy so it didn't need to start to contract.
What do we do now? He said that we can either go home and take a pill to have the miscarriage at home, approximately 90% of the time it works just fine. Or we can do a D&C where I go under anesthesia and he goes in to remove the pregnancy that way. While I do not like being put under, I didn't like my odds with taking the pill at home. So we opted for the D&C.
How long until we can try to get pregnant again? He told us that since the pregnancy was not my body's fault, we will wait 2 weeks to make sure that my uterus healed from the D&C then give my body a month to relax then we can go back to IUI. He also said that he felt confident that we could get pregnant with the first or second IUI and be able to take home a healthy baby with that pregnancy.
So we scheduled the D&C for Tuesday morning. We went set up and it really hit me. This was my last hour of being pregnant with our first baby. I cant even explain how much Wesley's presence meant to me at that time. He was there for me when no one else could have been. He held my hand and assured me that everything was going to be ok. This was just a bump in the road. We will be parents. We will have a ton of babies. We just have to get through this time together and have faith in God and our doctor. Gosh I love that man!!! Even through the most trying times, we always come out stronger and closer as a couple. He truly is my soulmate and everything I want and more in a husband and father to our future children.

The surgery went well. I went pain(physically). And now the healing process begins.
We will never forget how our first baby changed our entire view on life. We knew we always wanted  to be parents but this baby just assured us that its God's plan..not ours. We will have as many children as He sees fit. Whether we have to do IUI each time or adopt. As long as there is a way, we will keep having children. Our hearts have so much love to give children.

I will keep you all updated. I told you guys that I would bring you along on this journey to parenthood...this is just part of it in our story. It hurts so deep. But we wont give up.

Thank you to everyone for the prayers and kind words. It really means a lot to us!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Week 6 update!

Hi guys! I know I told you that I wanted to do a video for this weeks update...BUT I forgot batteries for my camera :( So I'm going to do another blog post instead! And just so you know, the questions each week will be the same unless you guys want to add more questions for me! I would be happy to answer any questions y'all have for me :) Or Wesley even! I could have him answer questions. So lets get to it! Week 6!

1.) Which week are you posting about? 
Week 6 since I am 7 weeks today :)

2.) Any nausea? 
No not really. If I don't eat as soon as I get hungry then I am pretty uncomfortable..but no real nausea during week 6.

3.) Any other pregnancy symptoms?
Still pretty tired and hungry ALL OF THE TIME! 

4.) Any cravings?
No cravings this week! I eat pretty much anything I can get my hands on that isn't too unhealthy. No..I don't overeat. I eat my regular 3 meals a day but I also add a couple snacks in between. Im not worried about gaining too much weight but I want to stay healthy for both myself and the baby..before and after birth.

4.) Any food aversions?
Some cheeses still gross me out. But I can eat string cheese so I'm not sure how far this "aversion" goes. haha

5.) How are you preparing for the baby?
Still just eating as healthy as I can and drinking plenty of water :) No purchases for the baby yet mom did buy me a pregnancy pillow and let me tell you....IT IS AMAZING!!! I definitely recommend the pregnancy pillow from  . Just click on the link and it will take you to their amazing pillow! Which Wesley loves also! He's actually sleeping on it as I type this haha

6.) Anything you miss about pre-pregnancy?
Wesley and I were down in Florida this weekend and there was so much I wanted to eat that I couldn't. I love tuna and cobia but you just can't eat those large game fish while pregnant because of the high mercury levels. But I wouldn't trade this pregnancy for the world! No food is going to make me feel any different about this pregnancy. I can still eat small fish and shrimp so that is just fine with me :)

7.) Any weird dreams?
Thankfully the nightmares have subsided! I actually don't remember dreaming at all this week. Sleep has been good!

8.) Anything you are looking forward to?
We hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time this week!!! We are so excited and hopefully I remember to record it! 

9.) Thoughts about this past week?
This weekend was very nice! We went to Florida and saw some family and we were both able to get a little sun :) We also went to my Aunt's wedding and had a blast! It was a much needed getaway! 
I have learned that I don't like people touching my stomach though haha If you didn't put it here...don't touch it. 

10.) Size of the baby during this past week?
Baby Pav was the size of a pea this past week! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Week 5 Q&A

Hi guys!!
This is my very first weekly update!
I had planned on doing a video for this but honestly..I'm exhausted and talking just seems daunting haha
So I'm going to post my Q&A on here just for this week and then hopefully next week I will be able to film my weekly Q&A for you guys :) 
So how this will work is every Tuesday I will post a video about things from the previous pregnancy week. Since I am 6 weeks today, I will be answering questions about week 5. I think that will be easier and I will be able to reflect on the entire week. So lets get started!!!!

1.) Which week are you posting about? 
Week 5 since I am 6 weeks today!

2.) Any nausea? 
Nope! Not yet..but I have dealt with acid reflux for most of my life so I expect that it will be coming soon haha

3.) Any other pregnancy symptoms?
YES!! I am extremely tired ALL of the time! I am not usually a napper but I feel like I need a nap just as soon as I wake up haha Other than that...I am hungry all of the time also. I will eat a full meal and then get hungry again within an hour.

4.) Any cravings?
Uhmm...not really a craving but I think buffalo chicken salad sounds good pretty much every day

4.) Any food aversions?
Cheese by itself is just not appealing. I tried to make myself a sandwich this morning and went to put a slice of cheese on it and just couldn't lol The smell, taste, and texture just isn't appealing right now.

5.) How are you preparing for the baby?
As of right now, all I am doing is eating right and drinking plenty of water. We aren't comfortable buying things until the second trimester so we wont be making any baby purchases for a few more weeks. But as soon as we do make it to the second trimester we will be buying cloth diapers!!! We are very excited to cloth diaper and have become really passionate about it. I can do a separate video/blog on why and how we are cloth diapering if anyone is interested. 

6.) Anything you miss about pre-pregnancy?
Surprisingly no! I really thought that cutting back on my coffee intake would be difficult but it hasn't been. I've probably had one total cup of coffee since finding out I was pregnant over 2 weeks ago. Doctors say that 2 cups a day is fine during pregnancy...but its not ok to me. Kind of like eating junk food...if your baby doesn't need shouldn't be ingesting it. I am not saying that I wont drink coffee during this pregnancy...thats like saying you will only eat healthy for the entire 40 weeks...its just not possible. Just during the first trimester...I will definitely limit both coffee and junk food.

7.) Any weird dreams?
I have had nightmares almost every night!! And the thing is is that the dreams themselves aren't scary...I just feel scared while I'm in the dream. Weird. 

8.) Anything you are looking forward to?
We leave for Florida this week! I am so excited to get to the beach and just be away from work for a few days :) 
We are also SOOOOOOO excited to get to hear the baby's heartbeat next week for the first time!!!

9.) Thoughts about this past week?
We saw the baby's amniotic sac for the first time! It was so surreal to see and it just reassured us that we really are pregnant and things are going well. We are feeling very blessed :)

10.) Size of the baby during this past week?
The baby was the size of a Sesame Seed! 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

5 wk 2 day ultrasound!

This morning we had our first ultrasound!!! We were so anxious for this visit because we would actually see the baby's sac and we would FINALLY know how many little Pavs were coming into this world.
But before I reveal it...let me give you a little background information. Everyone..and I mean EVERY ONE thought I was having twins. I can also be included into that group. But last night I had a dream that I was having QUADS!!! Oh dear Lord!!! While we would be forever grateful for quads...I have to admit that it made me nervous. But either way..we were excited to finally know!!!
Well...God didn't think the world was ready for more than one baby Pav because we are having ONE baby!!! :) We are thrilled and blessed and excited and any other positive adjectives you want to insert here! We are so excited!!!!!!
And in 2 weeks we will be able to hear that baby's heartbeat :)
So leave in the comments...what do you think it is? Boy or girl?? We would be ecstatic with either...but we both have our guesses...I think it's a boy and Wesley thinks it's a girl!
Also..I will be doing weekly updates on Tuesdays as to what the previous week was like. What would you like to know about each week?