Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Left Needing Answers

Alright guys! I am sorry it has taken me so long to get this post up but we have been through a very crazy past few days and it has taken a toll on us emotionally and physically.

Ok during my last post I told you guys that my numbers weren't going up like they should and they didn't think that this would be a viable pregnancy.
Well...that hasn't changed..but the reasoning behind it has changed a few times.
Before Friday, they thought that it might be a tubal pregnancy because of the way my numbers were slowly going up. But on Friday when I went in for my ultrasound, our doctor thought that it was probably in my uterus and was just an early miscarriage.
We were somewhat relieved by this because the thought of an ectopic pregnancy scared us more than an early loss because with an ectopic pregnancy, your chance of having another goes up quite a bit(roughly 30%).
I also had a lot of questions for the doctor.
One miscarriage is very normal...but a second is not.
So I wanted his opinion on why this was happening and what we would do to prevent this from happening again.
He told us that after my levels went back down to zero, we would be doing a series of blood tests to determine if I had some sort of vitamin deficiency, blood clotting disorder, or autoimmune disorder. Each of which he told me can be treated with either blood thinners or extra vitamins.
But the first step was to "pass" this pregnancy and get my numbers back down to zero.
So he gave me a prescription for Cyclotec, which I was supposed to take vaginally and pass everything within one to two days.
So Friday night i took it and nothing happened. Then I took a second dose on Saturday and again...nothing happened. No cramping..nothing. This worried me! How can this stuff not work??
So I called the doctor and he had me come back in on Monday morning to see what was going on.
So I went in and he did another ultrasound. Thats when I asked him what would be the reason that the medicine didn't work??
He said it usually points to tubal pregnancy.
That was the last thing I wanted to hear!!!!
But then he said something that I definitely didn't want to hear..that I would be having another D&C the next day :(
While the first one was quick and I healed great, I hate the idea of major surgery. I have had my fair share of surgery in my life and the thought of being put under, yet again, was enough to make me sick to my stomach.
But what choice did I have??

So the game plan was to have the D&C and if my hCG levels went down then the pregnancy was in my uterus...if not then it would be considered in my tube and I would have to take a low dose chemo shot in order to get rid of the pregnancy without surgery.

So yesterday I went in and had another D&C and while my doctor said this one would be easier since I wasn't as far along, it was quite the opposite! Last time I had almost no bleeding, no nausea, and no cramping...but this time I had it all. Nothing crazy but definitely not what I was thinking.
But its over and that is all that matters!
The next hurdle was to make sure that my levels dropped so that we could rule out a tubal pregnancy and hopefully move on!

So I went in this morning for my post op checkup and blood work.
They called me this afternoon and my levels had DROPPED from 109 to 42!!!! This was amazing news!!! The numbers were showing that the pregnancy wasn't in my tube and moving forward seemed less daunting!

So now I will go back Friday(and probably weekly) until my levels get back down to zero then we can do the blood work to see what is causing our multiple miscarriages and hopefully it is something we can fix easily so we can finally have a baby!!!

Thank you for all the positive thoughts and prayers!
I will keep you updated as we move forward!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Good News and Bad News

I am sorry it has taken me so long to do this post but when you read might understand.

On Friday morning I took a pregnancy test like I do at the end of every cycle. Most of the time it is negative but Friday was different. It said "pregnant" on that tiny screen.
I assumed that the next time I got pregnant, I would be ecstatic! That was not the case. I was nervous and anxious and I had a bad feeling in my heart. I knew something didn't feel right. 
I wasn't spotting. I had no cramps. But for some reason I felt as if this was not going to be my take-home baby. 
Call it mother's intuition...or maybe I just know my body better than most.
But I hesitantly called my doctor's office and asked for a blood test since my pregnancy test said positive. 
I got in and immediately my nurses were lit up because I was finally pregnant again!
They asked me how I was doing and all I could say was that I was nervous and I had a bad feeling.
They took my blood and I left.
They called me that afternoon and told me that my hCG (pregnancy hormone) level was at 26.5.
This told us that I was indeed pregnant.
But they asked me to come back 3 days later to make sure that my levels doubled like they should.
So on Monday morning I went in for another blood test. I still had that bad feeling in my gut that something was wrong.
They called me that afternoon and my levels has risen to 48. Which doesn't seem bad because they went up...but they didn't double like in a healthy pregnancy.
So this morning they had me come in for yet another blood test. 
My levels rose to only 66. Not even close to doubling.
My nurse asked me to come in for an ultrasound and blood work on Friday because they think it could be a tubal pregnancy(implanted in my fallopian tube instead of my uterus).
So I have an appointment Friday morning to see what is exactly going on.
But before we got off the phone I had to ask..."do you think this will be a successful pregnancy??"
And she told me "we aren't ruling it out but no..we don't think this one is going to work."

Which brings me here. Confused. Upset. Hurt. And feeling like there is an even bigger problem than just my ovulation and getting pregnant. 
They did tell me that they will be doing a lot of blood work to see what could be causing our(now multiple) miscarriages. 
Hopefully Friday we can get some answers.

Thank you for all the positive thoughts and prayers. I wish I had some better news to give you guys. But this is where we are. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Progesterone Check for IUI #7

Hey guys!!!
This blog post will be short and sweet!

We had our progesterone check today and just like almost every cycle before this, my levels are great!!!

My levels were >40 which is amazing :)

So now we just wait to test!!!

I'm not sure I will ever get used to this waiting game haha!

Keep up the positive thoughts and prayers!!
Hopefully this is our last IUI and we get our take home baby out of this cycle!

I will post next week on whether or not this cycle worked!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Different IUI

Hey guys!! Sorry I'm so late with this post!
It has been a really relaxing day and I have taken full advantage of it :)

So this morning we went in for our SEVENTH IUI!! 
I told you guys last week that the nurse that would be doing our IUI, wanted to do things a little differently this time and BOY DID SHE!
Other than the fact that she was putting cleaned sperm in my was just different.

First off..we had 32.6 million sperm this time! That's 10 million more than last time!!!

So after the nurse came in, she said that she wanted to do an ultrasound on my uterus first. We have never had an ultrasound on IUI day so I was a little curious as to why. But what she wanted to do was measure my uterus to see exactly how far she needed to put the catheter in to get to where my tubes are.
Which turned out to be great because she found out that my uterus was shorter than the average uterus! 
She then marked the catheter the exact length of my uterus so she didn't put it in too far and irritate the top of my uterus. She said that my short uterus could be why I have a little more sperm being pushed down after the procedure. I can elaborate a little more in another post if you guys want. 

But on to the fun stuff!

The nurse then tilted the table A LOT! After that she found exactly where she needed to put the catheter and put it in the exact length of my uterus. 
Then she waited until I stopped cramping and she put the sperm exactly where it needed to be. After she did that she waited until it went into my tubes before before removing the catheter (about 5 minutes).
The normal procedure takes about 5 minutes...this took closer to 15. But she said that she was able to get almost all of the sperm into my tubes!!!! She told us that she has never done an IUI where that much of the sperm got into the tubes. (Usually you have some that comes out in everyone).
Then instead of sitting there for 15 minutes...I laid there for 20 minutes.

So if this doesn't work...we will seriously be shocked!!!!!!

So now the 2ww starts!!! We have a progesterone check on Friday so I will do my next post then unless there is something else you guys would like to see a post on :)

Thank you for all the positive thoughts and prayers!!!