Monday, August 25, 2014

The Goal For This Blog

Before I ever started blogging our fertility journey, I spent countless hours perusing pinterest for other women who have gone through a similar situation. 
I found many types of people struggling to conceive. Most were very depressed, as if they felt like nothing could ever be done to "fix" them. While others seemed to put on a facade of what they felt people wanted to hear from them. 

I can't relate to you.

Our struggle is 2 and a half years and counting. It is by no means "long" when it comes to the infertility community. 
But when I read these women's and men's blogs, I can't help but feel a disconnect. 
Yes, there are times when I feel depressed, but I never lose sight of the end become a Mommy!
And there are times when I would love to blog and tell you guys "the medicine isn't so bad"...but I am not going to lie to you. How would that help the woman who messages me and says "Im starting that medicine next cycle!"?
My goal in life is to become a Mommy and to give my husband a child of our own. But my goal for my blog is to encourage people going through similar situations, or even just a tough time, to look for the positives. 

Now before you throw stones at me, just know...I am not trying to belittle other bloggers. People deal with struggles differently. But I think honesty and being positive is the only way to see your infertility in a different light. 

So that is why I started my blog. I needed a way to vent and I needed a way to reach out to other women going through this and to let them know that they are not alone. 
But I need to be encouraging! And I think that comes from being honest and positive and having just a hint of humor :) 

I hope you can relate :)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Surprised Once Again!

I swear I never know what my nurses are going to tell me when they call me after I get blood work done!
And this cycle they keep surprising me with these numbers!!

This morning I went and had my progesterone levels checked, since my IUI was a week ago.
And if you guys remember from last cycle(or if you are new :)) my doctor likes my progesterone levels to be at 15 since I have medicated cycles. Well my "record high" over the past 11 cycles has been the 23 from last cycle. But apparently my body wanted to top itself and shock me with a 32 today!!! So crazy!!!
Now...this doesn't mean much as far as if this cycle has worked, but it does mean that if I am pregnant, then I don't have to do suppositories for the next few weeks!!! 

These results shocked me today! I am blown away with a 32!! Craziness!!!

Although, I seem to be a little more pessimistic this cycle. I don't know if its all the medication, or if I am just trying to have that "surprise factor" if I get a positive...I'm not sure. It really isn't like me!!
You guys know that I am typically a pretty positive person. 
Hopefully this will change as the week goes on!

Now we wait to test!! 

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we finish out this 2 week wait!
Hopefully this cycle will give us our take-home baby/babies :)

I hope you guys have a great weekend!

oh! and don't forget to go like The Hurry Up and Wait Facebook page!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Bring on the 2ww!'s that time again! Time for the 2 week wait!
Our IUI went very well this morning! We only had 6 million sperm but since we went in for the IUI so soon in my cycle, it makes sense that it would be lower. But as long as it is above 2 million then my doctor is happy ☺
So now we wait!
We have a progesterone check on Friday and hopefully that goes well!
Thank you for all the positive thoughts and prayers! Hopefully this is the cycle that gets us our baby/babies!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Best One Yet!

What a GREAT way to start the day!!!!

I was kind of nervous going into my follicle check this morning because this is the first time I have used Femara and Menopur. But we had great success with it!!
In order to do my trigger shot and have the IUI my doctor likes to have at least one follicle at 20. Well this morning we went in and I actually have 2 mature follicles! That has never happened!! We usually have one that is fully mature and sometimes we even have to come back a couple days later because none are quite mature enough. 
But today I had a 28 on my right ovary and a 22 on my left!!! 
Even the doctor said "Yup that's a keeper!" haha!!

So he told us that we will probably do the trigger shot tonight and the IUI Friday morning(depending on my blood work today) :)
Which is also a first for us because usually we trigger the day after the ultrasound..not the day of!

We are very excited to see how this IUI plays out!!!

I will update you guys on Friday after the IUI!!!!

Thank you for the positive thoughts and prayers!!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Throughout this 2 1/2 year journey, I have never had to use two medications at once to induce follicle production. And let me tell you! Holy HOT FLASHES! 
I thought clomid gave me bad hot flashes...nope! The combination of Femara and Menopur has caused me to have long periods of hot flashes!

I feel like a 55 year old woman going through menopause haha!! 

But on the bright side...I haven't even taken my second shot(less than 3 hours until I take it)...and I can already feel my ovaries stretching! Definitely more on my right side than my left. But I really don't care which side the egg comes from as long as it gets fertilized haha!

So you guys wish me luck tonight as I take my second Menopur injection!

I will update you Wednesday after my follicle check!

And if anyone has used Menopur before, let me know how many more mature follicles you got as opposed to only using clomid/femara. (If you don't want to comment on here, you can message me on my Facebook page Hurry Up and Wait)
I am interested to see how many we have on Wednesday!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Lots of changes...

Sorry I haven't updated you guys!
I know that usually no news is good news with this kind of thing, but not this time....
Saturday was cycle day 1....
So our last IUI didn't work.
I was SO sure that it had!!!! But Friday and Saturday I got negative pregnancy tests.
Last time when we got pregnant it took 2 IUI cycles, so hopefully this next one will get us our positive!
For more reason than one....

I went in to have my cycle day 2 ultrasound to make sure that there was no left over cysts and to make sure that my uterine lining was a good thickness and THANKFULLY it was! We were cleared to start our next IUI cycle. But Dr Vandermolen wanted to change up our medications. He wasn't happy with how many follicles were maturing each cycle and frankly...neither was I. I feel like my body gets used to the medications so quickly that they don't work as well after the first time. he wants us to add Menopur injections on cycle day 7,9, and 11. Which I was/am completely fine with! Injections, shots, blood work...needles in general, just don't bother me. 
So we took their little injections class to see just how I needed to do it and I felt confident on doing it myself. 
So the next step was to get my Femara(same dose as last time, 5mg), and to get my HCG injection for 2 days before the actual IUI, as well as my Menopur injections. 
And here came the not so good news....
My Femara was the normal price that I have been paying and my HCG injection was also the same..but unfortunately my insurance is refusing to pay for my Menopur injections because they see insemination as an "elective procedure". Can you believe that?? We have been trying to have a baby for 2 and a half years and we have gone through everything possible to have a baby without doing IUI. But in our situation...its not possible. This is the ONLY way for us to have a family of our own. And now we are being told that it's "elective". yeah....ok. 
But Wesley and I talked it over and whatever we have to do...we will do it. 
And if it works this time then it will all be worth it!!!

So we really need some prayers right now! We know that there are many other people in this world that pay way more than we do for their fertility treatments...but we were pretty blindsided with this one.

I will update you guys as soon as I can! 
I go in for my follicle check next Wednesday and hopefully I get some good news! 

Thank you all for the positive thoughts and prayers!