Well...yesterday was our first IUI after our miscarriage in April.
And I have to say...I feel good about it!
We had 12.1 million sperm from Wesley which, if you remember from the last IUI, is rather low. The IUI when we got pregnant, we had 47 million. However, the doctor said that the heat plays a huge factor in sperm count. But that's ok!! As long as it is above 2 million then it is considered a good number :)
But other than sperm count, everything felt very much like the cycle we got pregnant on.
I had ovulation cramps for the rest of the day following the IUI, which is exactly how it went with the last IUI.
I think I am psyching myself out a little bit by comparing it to the last cycle when we got pregnant...but its hard not to when everything is going, basically, the same.
So from here we wait until Friday when I get my progesterone checked and then another week or so until I take a pregnancy test!!
Thank you for all the positive thoughts and prayers!!! Keep them coming my way! And make sure to keep all the ladies out there going through the same thing in your thoughts and prayers as well!!!
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Hurry Up and Wait"!! That way you can get all of my updates as soon as I post them!
Also, share this page with anyone you know going through similar circumstances...no one should go through this thinking they are alone.