Friday, July 25, 2014

Progesterone level!!

I have some good news for you guys today!
I went for my progesterone check this morning and they called me this afternoon with the results!
All I needed it to be was above 15 and it ended up being 23.3!!!
I am so happy with the results!
It is the highest my levels have ever been during a medicated cycle!

Now..just because my levels are great, doesn't mean that I am just means that if I am pregnant then I wont have to do suppositories to keep from miscarrying. 

Now we just have to wait until next weekend to test!!!

I will update you guys when I know for sure if I am pregnant or not.

Thank you for the positive thoughts and prayers!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

First IUI After Miscarriage

Well...yesterday was our first IUI after our miscarriage in April.
And I have to say...I feel good about it!

We had 12.1 million sperm from Wesley which, if you remember from the last IUI, is rather low. The IUI when we got pregnant, we had 47 million. However, the doctor said that the heat plays a huge factor in sperm count. But that's ok!! As long as it is above 2 million then it is considered a good number :)

But other than sperm count, everything felt very much like the cycle we got pregnant on. 
I had ovulation cramps for the rest of the day following the IUI, which is exactly how it went with the last IUI. 

I think I am psyching myself out a little bit by comparing it to the last cycle when we got pregnant...but its hard not to when everything is going, basically, the same. 

So from here we wait until Friday when I get my progesterone checked and then another week or so until I take a pregnancy test!!

Thank you for all the positive thoughts and prayers!!! Keep them coming my way! And make sure to keep all the ladies out there going through the same thing in your thoughts and prayers as well!!! 

And if you haven't already, go "like" my Facebook page "Hurry Up and Wait"!! That way you can get all of my updates as soon as I post them!
Also, share this page with anyone you know going through similar one should go through this thinking they are alone.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Follicle check and IUI date!

Hey Guys!!!
On Monday Wesley and I went in to have my follicles checked and got some good news and some ehh...blah news. 
Good news first!
Good news is that we had 5 total follicles! 3 in my right ovary and 2 in my left! Its nice to see them both participating this month! haha!! The biggest one I had was an 18 in my right ovary. Im not sure if you guys remember but my doctor likes them to be at least 20 before we can do IUI. 
Which brings us to the ehh..blah news. We weren't allowed to move forward with the IUI until it reached 20. So we went back this morning and it grew to 20!! We also had a 15 and the others were pretty small. So we have 1 that is ready and another that could be ready by Saturday when we do the IUI!!!!! 
The doctor called me this afternoon and I do my HCG injection tomorrow night and the IUI will be Saturday morning :)
AHHHH!!! We are so excited! It has been a long 3 months and we are beyond grateful to be back to this stage and we are hopeful that within 1 or 2 IUIs we will be pregnant again and we will have our Take Home baby!!! :) 

Thank you guys for the positive thoughts and prayers and I will update you guys on Saturday after the IUI to let you know how it went! 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Update! Update! Update!!! I'm a little late on this post but with moving and doing stuff around the house and working, its been a busy week!!!
Sooooooooooo...who is ready for some good news?! I for one, LOVE good news ;)
So I started my cycle last Thursday!!! That means that Thursday was cycle day 1!
I had my initial exam and ultrasound on Saturday and they said that everything looked good to start my Femara :) ahhhh music to my ears!!!!
So I take my last 2 Femara pills tomorrow and I have my follicle check on Monday to see if my follicles are big enough to do my HCG injection and hopefully have the IUI on Wednesday-ish!!!! Ahhhhhh we are so excited and ready to get this party started!!!
Can you guys believe that its been 3 months since the miscarriage?
It has taken so long to get back to this point and we are so thrilled and ready to get pregnant again and have our take home baby!
Thank you guys for the positive thoughts and prayers!!!
I will update you guys on Monday when o have my follicle check!!!