Two weeks ago today, I had to go through something that no one should ever have to go through. I had to have my child taken from my womb too soon.
That day will forever be implanted in my mind and I will never forget how broken I felt.
But it was also the first step we had to take in our new path to parenthood.
With that being said..we are healing. I know the pain of losing our first child will never fully go away, but it will also no deter us from pursuing our dreams of becoming parents. As soon as we are able to start IUI again, we will.
Yesterday we had our first post-op appointment to check things out and see how long it would take to get back into IUI. Dr Vandermolen said that surgery went extremely well, the tissue released very easily and since I don't have any spotting or cramping I didn't need to have an exam. So I got my blood drawn to check my HCG levels. As soon as they get down to zero, we can start the process of IUI 3 weeks from then (well...that's when I can start the medicine to get my cycle started).
Anyway, I got a call from my nurse this afternoon and she sounded extremely happy! She said that my levels were dropping great and that my HCG was at 143. My levels were at 123 the day I found out I was they are dropping quickly. I was just hoping that they would already be at zero. But we are just anxious to get started. All the stories that I have been reading, it has taken women 8-12 weeks for them to get where I am at 2 weeks post op. So I am grateful for that.
So the next step is to go back next Tuesday and get my levels checked again. Hopefully they will be at zero and we can start getting prepared to start IUI again!!!
Thank you all for the prayers! It has been an extremely hard time for us but we are grateful to have so many people sending positive thoughts and prayers our way!
I will keep you updated on our journey!!!